Having family dinner together every night might sound like some outdated cliche or something they only do on television. However, it’s more important than most people realize.
People are busy nowadays. Plus, with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, you might already feel like you’re spending too much time together. You might think any extra time would only cause more stress and tension. That isn’t necessarily true. Instead, sitting down with your family each night to share a meal and conversation has many benefits and should be an essential part of your routine.
Still not convinced?
Let’s take a look at exactly why it’s essential, so you can make it a part of your family’s schedule every day.
It Helps You to Connect
Even if you feel like your family is together all of the time, how much time are you genuinely spending communicating and connecting? Being physically present doesn’t mean you’re emotionally present.
Having dinner together is an excellent opportunity to talk openly and learn more about your family. A connection is essential. No matter what age your kids might be, sharing a meal with them and focusing on nothing but the conversation will give you a greater understanding of what’s going on in their lives and anything they might be struggling with.
It can even improve your relationships. Communication is a key factor in any successful relationship, but how often do you actively practice it in your relationships?
It Can Lead to Healthier Habits
While connection and conversation are essential, the food aspect of a family dinner has a significant impact, too. By making and serving a meal, you’re showing your kids the importance of taking care of themselves.
It doesn’t always matter what you put on the table. Family dinners can help you introduce new foods to your children and develop healthier habits. Studies have shown that children who regularly eat dinner with their families have a reduced risk of childhood obesity. Something as simple as nightly dinners can also help your child make healthier choices as they grow, including avoiding drug and alcohol use.
It Provides a Sense of Belonging
If you commit to having a family dinner every night, or at least a few times a week, you’re establishing a routine. Everyone needs routine in their lives, but it’s especially essential for children.
Routines turn into traditions, which are just as beneficial for everyone. It gives everyone in the family a sense of belonging and helps to solidify their identity.
As your children get older, they will feel more comfortable and confident with who they are. They will be grounded in their traditions while knowing how to connect and communicate with others effectively. That isn’t always easy for a child as they get older, especially into their teenage years. Establishing these “traditions” now can have significant benefits in the future.
It’s About More Than Just a Meal
Family dinners aren’t just about throwing something on the table and rushing through your meal. They teach the art of conversation, which can often feel like something that is lost nowadays.
For a short time, you can bring your whole family together and let everyone forget about their busy schedules or anything else that might be overwhelming them. It might seem like just a meal at the time, but a regular family dinner represents so much more and can create lasting benefits.
If you want to learn more about connecting and conversing with your family, contact us. We can discuss ways to increase beneficial moments within your family. Serenity EFTC provides family therapy in Colorado.