Politics and Partnership: Tips for Couples with Opposing Views

There’s no question that we’re living in a tumultuous political climate at the moment. This year, alone, has seen some major twists and turns in the political world, and we’re just a few short months away from a huge presidential election.

It’s okay to have different political views from your friends and family. You might just avoid talking politics around those people.

But, what happens when you have opposing political views with the person you love — and maybe even the person you live with?

It’s absolutely possible to have a peaceful, strong, loving relationship with someone who has different political views. But, it can take some work sometimes, especially when the political climate is so tense.

Let’s cover a few tips you and your partner can use to bridge the political gap and find some common ground, even if your political views are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Don’t Hide from Communication

You might assume that you should avoid talking about politics in your relationship if you know you and your partner have different views. Of course, your goal should never be to say something to start an argument. But, that doesn’t mean you should avoid all political communication.

It’s important for you and your partner to understand why each other’s beliefs and values are so meaningful. You don’t necessarily have to agree with those beliefs. But talking about your political stances and why you feel so strongly about them can help you show empathy. You’ll be reminded that you’re on the same team in your relationship, even if you’re not necessarily on the same political team. Keep communication open and don’t sweep things under the rug.

Be Curious

It’s easy to make assumptions when you hear about your partner’s political views. You might have ideas in mind about that particular political party. So, you might stamp your partner with some of those assumptions before giving them a chance to explain.

Even if you know you aren’t going to change your political views, be curious about why your partner is interested in the other side of the aisle. You might learn something about the opposing party that you didn’t know before.

Don’t Let Anger Win

People tend to get heated easily when it comes to politics. No matter how often you talk about your views, you’re likely to have the occasional political argument with your partner, and that’s okay.

Make sure you’re arguing in healthy, productive, and effective ways. Because people tend to feel strongly about their political views, it will be easy for your partner to get under your skin (and vice versa). If you feel yourself getting angry, take a step back. Ask to continue the conversation later. When you give yourself time to cool off, you’ll be more likely to lead with respect.

Focus on Other Areas

While political views can be important, they don’t have to be the center of your relationship. Think about everything else that makes the bond between you and your partner unique. What do you love about that person? What do you admire about them, and what are you grateful for?

You might be struggling with your opposing political views a bit more than usual during this election year. But, it doesn’t have to cause your relationship to land on rocky ground.

If you’ve put these tips into practice and you’re still struggling in your relationship, consider reaching out for help. Couples Counseling can help you both learn how to be more effective communicators. That includes listening to opposing views and always leading with respect. Feel free to Contact Us to set up a consultation soon.