Creating a Healthy Body Image with Your Teen

We live in a society where “perfection” is everywhere. The internet—especially social media — has made it impossible to avoid unrealistic beauty standards and unhealthy body images. While seeing perfectly posed people on Instagram and TikTok can be difficult for everyone, it’s especially problematic for teens’ and body image.

Teenagers have so much on their plates. They’re trying to figure out who they are, where they belong, and what they want from life. At the same time, they’re dealing with hormonal shifts and changes in the way they look.

Teens are at a greater risk of developing body image issues because they’re inundated with what the “standard of perfection” is supposed to be. While you may not be able to fight back against the influence of the Internet and society, there are things you can do to help your teen foster a healthy body image. Your teenager can take a positive mindset and a strong sense of self-esteem with them into adulthood By creating healthy habits now. So, what can you do to create a healthy body image with your teen?

Be a Positive Role Model

Even if it seems like your teen doesn’t pay attention to you, they do. The habits you establish at home and the things you show them will make a big impact on how they see themselves.

That starts with creating healthy eating habits. Have dinner together most nights of the week, if possible. Get your teen involved in cooking and don’t be afraid to talk about how different ingredients fuel the body. Developing a healthy relationship with food from a young age can help to prevent things like eating disorders or fear of certain foods later in life.

It’s also important to be comfortable in your own skin. When you have a healthy relationship with your body and your image, it will be easier for your teen to follow in your footsteps. They might even ask you about your self-esteem and how you see yourself. Prepare yourself to talk about that, as it can lead to productive conversations that will stick with them.

Encourage Physical Activity

Teens need to know that regular exercise shouldn’t be about losing weight. Rather, it’s about making sure their bodies are running effectively and efficiently.

We live in a world that focuses so much on diet culture and over-exercising that it’s easy for teens to fall into traps. They might think they need to do a ton of cardio each week to burn calories, or they might lift heavier weights and push themselves harder than they should to experience greater gains.

Exercise is something meant to keep the body healthy, not to achieve a specific “look.” Try exercising with your teen. Make sure they know the importance of staying active for health, rather than image. As an added bonus, creating movement in your body can be beneficial for their mental/emotional health.

Pay Attention to Their Relationships

As a parent, it’s always a good idea to know who your teen is spending time with. If their social circle is made up of people with unhealthy ideas about what someone should look like, it might be time to intervene. Encourage positive relationships for your teen. Talk to them about spending time with people who build them up, rather than those who criticize or judge their looks.

Teenagers are easily influenced, especially when they want to fit in. Spending time with the right people is crucial. The body image you help to create with your teen now will stick with them for a long time. Keep these tips in mind to help them foster a positive one, and to have a healthy relationship with the way they look and feel.


It’s never too late to start these lifestyle changes for yourself and your teen. If you’re struggling to connect with your teen or you’re concerned about a lack of communication in your household, consider trying teen or family therapy. Contact us for more information or to set up an appointment with one of our highly skilled therapists. Serenity EFTC offers Family Therapy and Teen Therapy in Colorado.