Common Signs of Teen Substance Abuse

3 teens hanging outHow will you know if your teenager is using substances? Remember, you know you them better than anyone; you know their hobbies, habits, and personality.  While it’s normal for teens and parents to sometimes clash, at the end of the day, you know what’s “normal” behavior for your child at this age.

So, what should you do if they start exhibiting behaviors that aren’t true to who they really are? In some cases, you might have to consider substance abuse.

While no parent wants to think about their teen using drugs or alcohol, it does happen. Recognizing some of the common signs is important, as it will allow you to get your teen the help they need as quickly as possible.

Let’s take a look at some of those common signs so you can determine if your teen might be struggling with substance abuse.

Mood Swings

Again, you know your teen’s personality and temperament better than anyone. While some changes in their mood can be the result of hormones, if they are extreme, it could be a sign of substance use.

This is especially true if their mood swings often involve anger or annoyance. If they seem to “snap” when you ask them questions or talk to them or become extremely defensive of their actions, they could be dealing with drug use.

Behavioral Issues

In addition to snapping and having mood swings, you might start to notice more behavioral issues in your teen than usual.

That could include things like deliberately disobeying your rules, disrespecting you, or refusing to “give in” to the expectations that you’ve set for them.

Some of the common behavioral issues you might experience with your teen include things like breaking curfew or ignoring other house rules that have been in place for years. Remember to track if you’re noticing behaviors that are abnormal for your teen.

Habitual Changes

Some teenagers are better at “hiding” their emotional changes. But there are often other signs to look for when it comes to teens abusing drugs or alcohol.

They might start to dress differently or talk differently. You might notice changes in their appetite or their sleeping patterns. While some might chalk this up to typical teen behaviors, if these changes become extreme, it can be a sign of a bigger issue. Try to check in with your teen and ask if they’ve noticed any changes or if there’s something going on that you don’t know.

Problems in School

One of the first places you’re likely to notice signs of substance abuse in your teen is school.

When a teenager starts to depend on drugs or alcohol, school often becomes the first thing they “ignore” or view as unimportant. That can result in things like:

  • Poor grades
  • Excessive tardiness
  • Missing too many days
  • Not turning in assignments
  • Sleeping in class

They might also start to drop out of extracurricular activities, or even sports. Even things they once loved can fall by the wayside when drugs or alcohol start to take over.

Changes in Friends

You probably know most of your teen’s friends. Maybe they’ve even had the same core group for years. So, if you start to notice that they are hanging around new people, it’s okay to be curious.

That isn’t to say your teen can’t make new friends. But, if they seem reluctant to introduce you to those friends, or they always seem to be “sneaking around” with them, it could be a sign that they’ve gotten involved in the wrong crowd.

It can be hard to learn if your teen is using substances. However, the sooner you recognize some of the common signs of teen substance abuse, the sooner you can get them the help they need.

If you suspect that your teen might be struggling with substance abuse, don’t hesitate to reach out for help and Contact Us. You and your family deserve support during these challenges. You can also learn more about what Teen Counseling includes.