4 Ways to Cope with Parenting Stress

Adult and child walking down pathThere’s no question that parenting is a stressful job. It’s rewarding, fulfilling, and will probably end up being the best experience of your life — but it’s a lot to deal with when you’re in the thick of it.

It’s not uncommon to feel parenting stress at just about every stage of raising your child. You might be overwhelmed with the needs of a new baby. Or you might be frustrated by the moodiness of a toddler. Then again, that frustration might return when your child is a teenager!

Sound familiar? Take a deep breath. Thankfully, there are plenty of safe and effective ways to cope with parenting stress. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by it all, put these ideas into practice and find some peace and relaxation.

1. Create a Routine

When your child was a baby, you probably took great care in establishing a routine for them. But, have you ever thought about why that routine was so important?

It gave them a sense of comfort. It let them know what to expect and who they could lean on for support.

The importance of routines doesn’t go away as we get older. Having a routine as an adult, and especially as a parent, can provide those same benefits. Consistency can provide comfort and take away stress. You’ll feel more grounded, you won’t feel as overwhelmed by your schedule, and you’ll have something to look forward to each day.

2. Don’t Compare Yourself

Social media is a great tool for staying connected. It’s also wonderful for keeping track of your child’s activities. You can make new friends and meet other parents, and maintain a sense of community in a digital setting.

But, keep in mind that social media doesn’t always accurately depict reality. It’s easy to compare yourself to other people (especially parents). Comparison is a thief of joy, and might make you doubt yourself and lower your self-esteem.

Most people aren’t posting their day-to-day lives on social media. Rather, they’re sharing highlight reels. You don’t know how long it took for them to pose for a picture or how long it took to get the “perfect” one. Don’t compare yourself to others online or in person. It will only add to your stress when you’re doing better as a parent than you probably think!

3. Practice Self-Care

As a parent, it’s normal to want to give all of your time, energy, and effort to your child, no matter how old they are.

But you can’t pour from an empty cup. You have to take time for yourself or you’re going to burn out and become overwhelmed by the stress of taking care of your family.

Self-care isn’t selfish or frivolous. It’s a necessity. It also doesn’t have to be anything extreme. Something as simple as prioritizing sleep, exercising each day, or finding time to socialize with friends are all forms of self-care that can make a big difference in your stress levels.

4. Try Stress Reduction Practices

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed and stressed, consider adding more practices in your life that are known for reducing stress.

Things like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation are all great ways to lower stress and feel more focused. These practices can help you escape the “what ifs” that might be causing you to feel overwhelmed. Instead, they’ll help you focus on the present and be mindful of the moment.

Stress is a normal part of a parent’s life, but it shouldn’t take over everything. Keep these tips in mind and give them a try when you’re feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities. The less stressed you are, the more you’ll enjoy the parenting journey. You’re not alone and parenting isn’t easy. If you are wanting additional support and tools to help manage the stress, Contact Us to start working with a therapist that specializes in parental support.