Starting College and Coping with Anxiety

4 students walking at collegeIt’s a new school year, and for many young adults across the country, that means heading to college for the first time. Whether you’re preparing to go or you’ve recently moved into your new dorm, it’s perfectly normal to be a little nervous, or even anxious about college. It’s a completely new experience and likely the first time you’re on your own, making more decisions.

However, if you feel like your anxiety is getting the best of you, it could hinder your experience and cause you to be more fearful than focused when it comes to this chapter of your life.

If you haven’t left for school yet, there are plenty of things you can do now to prepare yourself and cope with anxiety. Even if you’re already on campus, there are still strategies that can help to ease that anxiety. Let’s cover a few of them, so you can enjoy your collegiate experience.

Set Realistic Expectations

Most people have a basic idea of what college will be like. Maybe you’ve even visited your campus before, or you’ve gone to an orientation program.

However, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of everything. So much so that your expectations can border on unrealistic. You might start to expect too much of yourself, or think you can take on more classes and extra groups than you would ever really be able to handle.

Those expectations, especially if you try to turn them into reality, won’t just contribute to anxiety. They’ll quickly cause you to burn out and experience a lot of extra stress.

Be realistic with your expectations and don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Practice Self-Care

College is notorious for “unhealthy” stereotypes. Far too often, we see depictions of students drinking alcohol and living off of ramen noodles and cold pizza. It’s also not uncommon to see college students not getting the sleep they need, and prioritizing having fun over their own health and well-being.

It’s essential to practice self-care while in college. Not only will it keep you focused and energized, but it will help to reduce stress and make you less anxious. Do things every day that promote a healthy mind and body, but make sure you’re also doing things that reduce your stress. Consider practicing mindfulness or meditation, cooking healthy meals, and prioritizing sleep.

Stay Connected

It’s not uncommon for college students to experience the most anxiety about moving away from home for the first time.

It’s normal to miss your family, friends, and other things about your hometown. Many college students experience homesickness in their first few weeks of school. However, if your homesick feelings are getting out of hand and causing you to feel anxious and nervous, don’t hesitate to reach out to your loved ones.

We live in a time where it’s easier to stay connected than ever. Set up weekly phone meetings or Zoom calls with family members and friends. Ask for care packages. Keep in touch with those closest to you as often as possible.

Branch Out

While it’s important to stay connected with your home life, you can also fight back against anxiety by branching out at school.

It can be scary to find your “group” in a new place. But, it’s important to find a social circle and establish friendships. They might end up being lifelong friends you stay in touch with forever. Consider volunteering or joining campus groups that interest you. The more comfortable you get with your surroundings and like-minded people, the less anxious you’ll be.

If you’re feeling anxious about college, you’re not alone. Keep these coping tips in mind and you can learn more about anxiety here. feel free to Contact Us for more information or set up a complimentary consultation with one of our skilled therapists.