Create More Intimacy in Your Relationship

two people holding each otherEvery relationship needs intimacy to be strong, open, and honest. Romantic relationships, however, rely on intimacy for continued growth and trust. While many people often associate intimacy with things like sex, the reality is that intimacy is separate.

Building more intimacy with your partner can indeed improve your sex life. But, it’s essential to focus on other aspects before you start thinking about what’s going on in the bedroom. The more you concentrate on creating more intimacy with your partner, the greater your relationship rewards will be.

With that in mind, let’s cover a few effective ways to build intimacy in your relationship.

Schedule Time Together

While scheduling time with your partner might not seem all that romantic, think about how often you spend quality time together now. You could both go to work each day and only see each other in the mornings and evenings. Are you spending your nights together watching TV or scrolling on your phones?

Maybe your schedules are ridiculously busy and you need more time for your relationship.

No matter what, carving out a designated time for your partner is romantic. It shows them that you’re invested in your relationship and you are prioritizing them. Create a schedule that works for you, whether it’s a weekly date night or a 30-minute conversation before bed every night. That focused time – with no distractions or interruptions – can help you feel closer than ever.

Show Gratitude

When was the last time you thought about how grateful you were for your partner? By adopting an attitude of gratitude, you’re more likely to feel close to the person you love, and desire them in every way.

You’ll want to be around them more often. You’ll want to celebrate them and your partnership. Gratitude can stem from something very small. Maybe they bring you a cup of coffee each morning. Maybe they scrape the snow off of your car before you go to work.

Choosing to see the value in these small things and showing gratitude for them will help you realize just how much you care about your partner (and vice versa), and that can bring you closer.

Focus On Nonsexual Touches

You’ve likely heard the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” If you’re trying to build physical intimacy, don’t immediately focus on having sex. Instead, prioritize nonsexual touches throughout the day.

Hold your partner’s hand as often as possible. Kiss them with intention every morning. Rest your hand on their knee while they’re driving. These small, innocent touches don’t have to insinuate anything. But, they’ll build closeness, and fuel the desire to be even more physical with each other.

Far too often, sexual intimacy tends to become “routine.” That’s why some couples feel like they’ve lost their spark. By focusing on nonsexual touches and not expecting anything from them, your heart will, indeed, grow fonder. Your time in the bedroom can become more spontaneous, more fulfilling, and more intimate than ever.

Be Vulnerable

Intimacy is all about opening up and showing vulnerability. That’s easier for some people than others. But, it’s a necessity for a strong, close relationship.

If you feel like your relationship is lacking intimacy, be willing to open up to your partner about your feelings, your needs, and your wants. Ask them to do the same. It can be a tough hurdle to jump over, at first. But, you’ll both likely see there’s nothing to worry about. You can talk to each other without fear of embarrassment or judgment.

Creating intimacy in a relationship requires daily effort. Keep these ideas in mind as you try to foster it within your relationship, and you might be surprised by how close you and your partner can become. If you and your partner(s) are interested in exploring more, Contact Us to work with one of our skilled therapists.