How To Make Sex More Enjoyable for Your Partner

Two people holding each otherSex is meant to be enjoyable for everyone, especially when you’re in a loving, intimate relationship. But, that doesn’t mean partners always have the same sex drives, interests, or even levels of enjoyment.

Maybe your partner has a lower drive than you. Maybe they like different things. Or, they might even be inexperienced or uncomfortable based on past relationships.

Whatever the case, wanting to make sex more enjoyable for your partner is something that will not only improve your time in the bedroom, but can actually bring you closer as a couple. So, what can you do to ensure better sexual experiences for them?

Talk About Sex

For some couples, sex remains a somewhat “taboo” subject. Even if you feel like your sex life is good, consider how often you actually talk about it.

It’s not uncommon for partners to want or need different things, sexually. How will you ever know how to make things more enjoyable for your partner if you don’t take the time to consider those needs or wants?

Talk about sex more often. Even if it makes you uncomfortable at first, it won’t take long for it to become easier for both of you. As you share that kind of vulnerability, it can also boost your intimacy and help you feel closer in and out of the bedroom. Plus, once you understand those needs and wants, putting them into practice will make your partner feel even more cherished and valued.

Set the Right Mood

Sometimes, sex can be completely spontaneous when you’re both caught up in the right moment. Other times, setting the mood and taking things slowly can make all the difference.

Setting that mood depends on your partner’s interests and desires. Maybe they’re a hopeless romantic who wants to experience things like candles and calm music. Maybe they’re more interested in extended foreplay where you whisper your desires to each other.

Once you learn more about what they want, you can set the right mood to make them both comfortable and turned on.

Try Something New

If you’re concerned that your partner isn’t enjoying your sex life as much as they could be, consider suggesting something new. Sometimes, switching things up is exactly what your sex life needs to improve — for both of you.

That might include trying different positions, changing up the way you do foreplay, or even changing the location. Book a hotel room for the night, or set up a romantic rendezvous in your living room. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Your partner will appreciate it, and you’ll both love the spark it brings to your relationship.

Don’t Feel Pressured to Perform

It’s selfless and caring to want your partner to enjoy sex. Talking to them about it and coming up with different solutions can make a big difference in your sex life. But, don’t let that concern cause you to feel pressure when you’re having sex.

If you’re so focused on your partner’s enjoyment that you start to worry about it, it might ruin your own sexual experience. One of the beautiful things about having sex in a committed relationship is the comfort and closeness you can feel with each other. Don’t let the fear of not “performing” for your partner take that away from you. The more present and “in the moment” you both are, the better.

It’s not always easy to have “the sex talk” with your partner, but it really is the first step in figuring out what you can do to make things more enjoyable for them. If you’re having trouble talking about your sex life on your own, consider working with a professional who can help to guide the conversation and Contact Us for more information.