Premature Ejaculation Factors

Pouring water into glassPremature ejaculation can be a challenging topic to talk about. It can be embarrassing and make you feel like there’s something “wrong” with you from a performance standpoint.

However, for many men, premature ejaculation can be caused by a variety of factors. It doesn’t somehow make you less of a man or even suggest that you can’t have a healthy sex life. However, it’s important to get to the root cause and determine some of the factors contributing to premature ejaculation in your life.

Let’s take a look at some of those common factors, so you can start getting the answers you deserve, and have peace of mind knowing there’s help available.

Early Sexual Experiences

One of the most common psychological causes that can contribute to premature ejaculation is any sexual experience you’ve had in the past, especially at a young age. Those earliest experiences can have a major impact on your life. If you had sex at a very young age, it could impact your performance now. If you experienced sexual abuse at some point in your life, that can also play a role.

These issues are often buried. Early sexual experiences can often be traumatizing, especially if you were too young at the time to fully process what was happening. Sexual abuse can be especially damaging, and not just from a physical standpoint.

If you’ve worked hard to repress those memories, allowing them to come to the forefront of your mind is important. It’s not easy, but working through those sexual issues is one of the best ways to understand your problem of premature ejaculation.

The good news? You don’t have to navigate that journey alone. Therapy can make a big difference in helping you work through the lingering effects of past experiences or abuse.

Mental Health

Premature ejaculation can be impacted by a variety of factors. Other factors could be directly related to your mental health such as stress and anxiety.

If you’re anxious, you’re not going to be able to stay “in the moment” as much as you might like. You also might be anxious or nervous about your sexual performance. That can cause you to psych yourself out, creating a sort of vicious cycle that contributes to both premature ejaculation and even more anxiety.

Relationship Issues

Maybe you’re experiencing premature ejaculation for the first time in your current relationship. If that’s the case, exploring how the relationship has impacted your performance might be beneficial.

If you’re not happy or fulfilled in your relationship, or things feel like they’re on unstable ground, it can absolutely contribute to your sexual performance.

Sit down with your partner and share your concerns. A lack of healthy communication could be what’s causing the problems in your relationship, and talking things through might offer the solution you both need to build intimacy and closeness.

Medical Issues

It is important to seek out medical advice to rule out any biological factors, as well. Consider making an appointment with your doctor. Things like irregular hormone levels and irregular brain chemicals can play a part. Obviously, these issues aren’t your fault. The good news? Most of the time, they can be treated and/or managed.

Ruling out a medical problem is important for your mental well-being, and to determine if there’s something more serious causing your premature ejaculation. It’s not uncommon for men to “avoid” going to the doctor, but if you truly can’t figure out what’s causing your premature ejaculation, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

If you think your mental health is contributing to premature ejaculation, working with a mental health professional is the best way to get to the root cause of any underlying issues you’re facing. When you’re able to do that, you can start taking active steps forward to manage your well-being.

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation, don’t let the stigma stop you from reaching out. Contact Us today to set up an appointment or learn more about Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy.