Post-College Depression

People throwing up their caps after graduationCollege might be stressful at times, but most people who look back on it realize it was one of the best times of their life. It can open you up to new experiences, establish lifelong friendships, and help you discover parts of yourself.

So, it’s not uncommon for some people to develop depression after college where you might feel a little “down” after graduation. However, if those feelings become hard to deal with or last for weeks (or months) after leaving your collegiate career, you could be dealing with post-college depression.

Some people find the transition between college life and the “real world” difficult to handle and might have a hard time functioning.

If that sounds familiar, or you know someone who might be struggling with that transition, let’s take a closer look at why post-college depression happens and what you can do about it.

What Causes Post-College Depression?

It’s hard to pin down one cause of post-grad depression since people are impacted differently by their experiences.

However, some of the most common causes include the stress of hunting for a job after college, student loans, loneliness, and the overall state of the world. College can often feel like a bubble. You’re surrounded by friends you’ve made over the last few years, and while you have an understanding of what’s going on in the world around you, you’re in a safe and familiar place, without the responsibilities of a career.

When all of that ends after graduation, it can feel overwhelming right away, leading to feelings of both anxiety and depression.

What Are the Signs?

Again, there’s a difference between feeling down after graduation and dealing with depression. Some of the most important signs to look out for include:

  • Feelings of guilt or shame
  • Lack of motivation
  • Unhappiness
  • Feelings of hopelessness

You might also experience physical symptoms, like changes in your eating or sleeping habits, and difficulty focusing on things. It’s not uncommon to struggle with “brain fog” when you’re depressed, which can make looking for or landing a new job that much more difficult.

Unfortunately, when these symptoms aren’t addressed, they can often become cyclical. For example, the less sleep you’re getting, the more your mental health will suffer, which can make it even harder to rest.

These symptoms can end up taking more control of your life than you might think. Your next steps after graduating from college are important. Depression can taint them if you don’t get the help you need.

What Can You Do to Overcome Post-College Depression?

Thankfully, there are things you can do to combat depression after college. Taking active steps to deal with it now can make it easier to start the next chapter of your life on the right foot.

First, lean on your support system. Maybe you feel like you’ve lost your social circle since graduating. But, you still have friends and family in your life who want to help and be there for you. Talk to them about how you’re feeling and accept the help they’re willing to give.

Take care of yourself. Ideally, you practiced self-care throughout your college experience. But, even if it wasn’t a priority then, it should be now. Self-care actions, including exercising, eating well, and prioritizing sleep, will go a long way in boosting your mental health and helping you feel better about your future.

Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you’re really struggling. Therapy can help you get to the bottom of your depression and work on effective ways to overcome it. If you’re worried about your post-college depression, feel free to Contact Us to schedule a complimentary consultation.