What is an LGBTQIA+ Ally?

rainbow glitterThe LGBTQIA+ community has seen a monumental growth in the last decade when it comes to equality and acceptance. Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go.

People in underrepresented groups will need help and support which is where allies come in.

An ally is more than a friend. It’s someone willing to stand up for and support the people around them. If you want to be an LGBTQIA+ ally, it means encouraging those in the community and serving as a voice for them. In doing so, you can do your part to make the world a safer, happier, healthy place for that community.

While you might not be able to change the hearts and minds of everyone, you never know how much of a positive impact you’ll have when you’re willing to speak up for others.

How Can You Be an Ally?

If you want to be an LGBTQIA+ ally, start by being a good friend. Spend more with your queer friends and don’t be afraid to ask them questions. So many people keep quiet and don’t educate themselves because they’re worried about being offensive.

But, if you come from a place of genuine curiosity and care, LGBTQIA+ friends are more likely to share with you more  information and guidance as you need. The more educated you are about the community and the struggles faced, the easier it will be for you to speak up for what you believe in.

Being an ally means learning about important issues that directly impact the LGBTQIA+ community and what you can do about those issues. It means taking care of the people in your life who need to feel supported, and really being there when they need you.

Using Your Voice

Of course, your efforts don’t need to stop there. It’s important to be an ally for the people in your life. However, you can go one step further by becoming an ally to the entire community—not just the people you know.

You might live in an area where most people in the LGBTQIA+ community are accepted. However, not every part of the country is like that. There are teenagers struggling to come out of the closet because they’re worried about being thrown out of their homes. There are young people in college afraid to tell their friends about their sexual orientation.

In some areas, queer people might even fear for their safety.

You can be an ally on a larger scale by making yourself visible to the community as much as possible. Attend rallies and meetings. Go to Pride events. Support businesses owned by LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to call out bigotry and homophobia when you see it. It can be a scary thing to do, but imagine how much scarier it is for someone in the community who feels like they’re being attacked. You can learn more about your local LGBTQIA+ community here.

Educate Others

The LGBTQIA+ community needs as much support as it can get. Becoming an ally is a great way to show your personal support, but the only way the community will ever really be accepted across the globe is if allies spend more time educating others and encouraging them to become allies, too.

If you have a friend or family member who doesn’t see things the same way, talk to them. Educate them about the community and what you’ve learned. You might be able to open their mind and help them become an ally, too.

It’s never too early or too late to show your support for those in the LGBTQIA+ community. Become an ally and help those who need it most. If you’re interested in exploring more and know someone you love is struggling, Contact Us for more information to see one of our skilled therapists.