Living in a Non-Affirming Environment

2 people with LGBTQ flag in backgroundComing out to family members and friends can stir up a variety of emotions. More often than not, it can be scary and overwhelming. You might have a basic idea of how people will respond, but nothing can ever prepare you for the harsh reality of a non-affirming environment.

It’s even worse when you have to continue to live in that environment.

Whether it’s a family member that doesn’t accept you or roommates that don’t agree with you, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope when you’re living in a non-affirming environment, until you’re able to find a safer, healthier place to live.

So, what can you do to get through when it feels like you’re constantly surrounded by people who don’t want to accept who you are?

Build a Better Circle

You don’t have to spend every waking moment at home.

If there’s a silver lining to coming out in the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s that it will open you up to a completely new group of people who are more than happy to be your friends and “adoptive” family.

Don’t be afraid to seek out LGBTQIA+ groups in your community, or even those who consider themselves allies. Having a strong social circle can make you feel more empowered, confident, and provide you with the motivation you need to get away from your toxic environment as soon as possible.

Keep a Journal

It’s easy to feel totally alone in a non-affirming household before and/or after coming out.

You might feel like you have no one to talk to or no one you can trust. Unfortunately, that can lead to feelings of isolation, which can wreak havoc on your mental well-being.

If you feel like you can’t talk to anyone in your home or that no one will understand you, you can get your thoughts and feelings out through journaling.

Journaling is a great way to express yourself. It’s a common anxiety management technique and can help you feel “heard” even if no one else is listening. You’ll have an opportunity to organize your thoughts, express yourself without the fear of judgment, and watch as you grow in your confidence. One of the great things about keeping a journal is that it gives you the chance to look back and see how far you’ve come.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is important for everyone, but it’s especially essential when you’re struggling with your mental well-being.

You don’t have to have a lot of time or money to prioritize self-care. Do something every day that is solely for your benefit — something that reduces stress or boosts your mental or physical health.

Not sure where to start? Try exercising, cooking a healthy meal, or spending quality time with a friend.

Practicing meditation and mindfulness can also be forms of self-care. They allow you to focus on the present while letting go of anxious thoughts.

Seek the Help You Deserve

There’s no denying that coming out or living in a non-affirming environment can cause an influx of emotions and mental health issues. You might start to struggle with anxiety, depression, or even symptoms of trauma depending on how your family or the people you live with treat you. The good news? You don’t have to handle those issues alone.

This stage of life can be scary enough when you’re finally realizing who you are and who you want to be. To have the closest people in your life turn their backs on you when you need them the most can be devastating. Therapy can help.

If you’re living in a non-affirming environment and it’s starting to take its toll, don’t hesitate to Contact Us and set up an appointment as soon as possible.